Software development agreement: FAQs
What is a software development agreement?
If you’re putting together a new site or launching a new feature in your product, then you need a software development agreement.It sets out what needs to be delivered, by when, and how much it will cost.
Is a software development agreement legally binding?
When signed, a software development agreement is legally-binding. It should include terms on how and when the agreement can be ended, and what that cessation would look like.
When should I use a software development agreement?
If you’re building a new site, building our your existing one, developing a new feature, or doing anything at all that involves software, then you need a software development agreement. It helps keep the peace between all sides.
What should a software development agreement look like?
A software development agreement should lay what exactly is to be delivered, by when, and how much it will cost. It should also include clauses for follow-up in case any further tweaks are needed.
Can I create a software development agreement in Oneflow?
You absolutely can! Our template is a great starting point! Try it out today for free.
Is Oneflow free?
We have a free plan that allows users to send, track and sign as many PDF contracts as possible. So if you’re happy with just signing PDF contracts, the answer is yes, it’s free. Forever.
Software development agreement template (Free)
Create lots of different kinds of contracts fast with our free templates. Have a look around to find more!