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Freelance graphic design agreement: FAQs
What is a freelance graphic design agreement?
A freelance graphic design agreement is struck between an organization and a freelancer to produce graphics for said organization.
Is a freelance graphic design agreement legally binding?
It is! The freelancer graphic design agreement sets the terms of employment for as long as the freelancer is working on those graphics for you.
When should I use a freelance graphic design agreement template?
If you’re bringing a freelance graphic designer onboard, then they’ll need to sign a contract. It helps make sure everyone’s on the same page when it comes to what needs to be done and by when. A freelance graphic design agreement template helps make this process nice and easy.
What should a freelance graphic design agreement look like?
It should look a lot like an employment contract. The key difference is that a freelance graphic design agreement has a specific end date, and different info on payment and benefits, as the person isn’t an employee. If you want to keep the freelancer for longer, then you’ll have to enter into a new agreement.
Can I create a freelance graphic design agreement in Oneflow?
You absolutely can! Our template is a great starting point! Try it out today for free.
Freelance graphic design agreement template (Free)
Create lots of different kinds of contracts fast with our free templates. Have a look around to find more!