Oneflow är Guldsponsor på
Salesforce World Tour Essentials
25:e april 2023
Stockholm Waterfront Congress Centre
Den 25 april slår Salesforce upp dörrarna till World Tour Essentials Sweden – ett live-event för alla svenska Trailblazers som vill hitta de bästa lösningarna för att optimera sitt dagliga arbete.
Ett utmärkt tillfälle att träffa likasinnade branschkollegor, lära sig allt om de senaste trenderna och hitta de bästa sätten att öka effektiviteten i sina processer. Det bästa av allt är att vi kommer att vara där, som en guldpartner!
Kom och säg hej! Vi kommer att hålla till i Expo-området och utanför stora scenen. Där kommer vi att sprida magi, bokstavligen (!), och prata nya trender som AI, automation och annat kul.
Låt oss tillsammans utforska hur digitala kontrakt kan automatisera och effektivisera era workflows och spara massor med tid och pengar. Våra experter kommer att vara på plats med råd och inspiration.
What is World Tour Essentials Stockholm?
World Tour Essentials Stockholm is an in-person, day event for the doers. With practical tips and tricks, 40 demos and 22 sessions, you’ll learn the HOW behind the WOW. Join us for exciting keynotes, in-depth sessions, interactive product demos, visionary thinking and networking. The event will bring together all the Trailblazers in Sweden to learn, connect, have fun and give back.
When and where will the event take place?
World Tour Essentials Stockholm is an in-person event taking place at the following location, date and time.
Location: Waterfront Congress Centre, Nils Ericsons Plan 4, 111 64 Stockholm
Date: Tuesday, April 25, 2023
Time: 08:00 – 17:00
What are the public transport options?
The venue has a great location in the city centre of Stockholm. The adress is Waterfront Congress Centre, Nils Ericsons Plan 4, 111 64 Stockholm. It’s conveniently located close to metro, train and bus. On the tube “T-Centralen” is the closest station and on the train it is “Stockholm C”.
It is also walking distance from the airport train and bus station “Stockholm C (Cityterminalen)“. Information about transport links is provided by here.
How much does the event cost?
It is free to attend World Tour Essentials Stockholm. Anyone can come, but the event in particular is well suited to managers, directors and functional leads in companies across industries and sizes.
Will the event be available to view online or on-demand?
World Tour Essentials Stockholm will not be live-streamed, so make sure to secure your spot to the event. However, if you want to dive in to Salesforce content, we have over 200+ on demand sessions from Dreamforce on Salesforce+.
Will food and drink be provided?
Coffee and snacks will be served at check-in and during the morning break. Grab and go lunch will be provided during the Lunch break. Coffee and fika will be served in the afternoon and during the after work we will serve alcoholic and soft drinks along with light refreshments. Vegetarian, gluten free and lactose free options will be available.
If you have a specific dietary requirement please consider bringing your own food.