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Closing deals in mere hours


Platform for all their contracts


More secure agreements


As many customers next year

Bygglet is a solution that simplifies administration and digitalizes an industry that tends to lack behind others in this regard, construction. However, in their own way of working, they needed a solution that simplified their administration flow. That’s where Oneflow came into play.

When it comes to a job that involves manual labor, be it in construction, plumbing, painting, or an electrician, Bygglet is an all-encompassing solution that makes their work smoother and more efficient.

According to Johan Rönnblad, Sales Manager at Bygglet, “We simplify administration with our tool. We make it short and sweet. From everything to the offer to invoicing, and more. We digitalize that process. It’s all in one place. They don’t have to use paper, a pen, or post-it notes. Everything is collected and accessible in one place.”

Digitalizing processes are in the core DNA at Bygglet. They know the benefits of going paperless. So it was only natural that they decided to work with digital contracts and go paperless here as well. According to Johan, when Bygglet’s clients go digital with their tool, they have more control over their work, be it from invoices to hours logged on projects. It’s a more secure way of working.

For Bygglet though, they used to rely on agreements the old-fashioned way, with a handshake. They figured it was time they digitalized and secured their agreements according to the 21st-century standard.

From handshakes to digital contracts

There was an internal discussion at Bygglet, they needed a way to secure their agreements. Sure, handshakes can be formal, but they’re not exactly legally binding. Their customers started to ask, “Don’t we need to sign something?”

That’s when it hit them, that e-signing and digital contracts would be a solid way to shore up their own business and agreements.

“The main purpose for us to use Oneflow is to let our customers know that we have an agreement with them. It helps us remind them that they’ve signed a deal with us, and since it’s all in one place it’s easy to find and recall at any moment,” says Johan.

That security of knowing you have an agreement and documentation of it is a necessity, especially in an industry like construction. It increases the transparency for both sides and makes them much more comfortable according to Johan. But the benefits of digital contracts go beyond having clear expectations set out in an agreement. 

“A benefit for us is that we have all our contracts in one platform. And that it’s connected with Upsales, our CRM, just makes it so easy. We spend less time on administration and this part of the process,” says Johan.

Having all of your contracts in one place is exactly what they were looking for. With Oneflow’s simple-to-use interface and platform, Bygglet was able to work wonders with digital contracts in no time.

“When the customer says, ‘now I’m ready to start with Bygglet,’ then we say, wait! We’re going to send you a digital contract. The customer just pushes sign. Then we sign, and they’re up and running two hours later.”

Johan Rönnblad

Sales Manager


Sending Oneflow digital contracts on day one

As Bygglet themselves simplify their client’s processes, it makes sense that they want to simplify their own. But when they go about choosing a solution that does it, they look for two things according to Johan.

“It has to bring us value in some way. And be easy enough to use so that everyone uses it,” Johan says. “It has to be good from my perspective, but then everyone else in the organization has to be able to easily use it as well. If it doesn’t clear all of those hurdles then it’s no good. But everyone used Oneflow from day one. 

According to Johan, his first impression of Oneflow was that it was simple enough to use that they could start with it tomorrow. So he went from a call with Oneflow to deciding to work with digital contracts just like that. 

“It was a total no-brainer when starting to use Oneflow. We’re used to tools like this, and we have a lot of them inside Bygglet. So we were able to get started quite quickly,” Johan says.

Signed and sealed digital contracts in mere hours

To Johan, when it comes to contracts and e-signing, friction is having to chase down a client and hunt for their signature. But that’s a rare event, as most contractors are ready to start working quickly according to Johan.

Quickly is a bit of an understatement. As the contract process at Bygglet is done in a matter of hours. According to Johan, they bring on an average of 750 customers a year, and with digital contracts, they can get a signature from a customer on the same day or within 24 hours. 

“It’s very quick. I mean, we bring in about 750 new customers each and every year. So normally when we get a decision from a customer it’s the same day or the day after.” He goes on to say, “When the customer says, ‘now I’m ready to start with Bygglet,’ then we say, wait! We’re going to send you a digital contract. The customer just pushes sign. Then we sign, and they’re up and running two hours later.”

Working with digital contracts is easy, that much is clear. But the contract process can get messy when friction slogs down the process. Thankfully for Bygglet, it’s become much easier to get a signature with Oneflow and it’s smooth, fast, and easy.

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