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Hedin Bil

Control, compliance, and return on investment in less than a month

10 hours

Saved every week

Less than 1 month

Positive ROI achieved


Talents hired

With just over a hundred locations throughout Sweden, Hedin Bil is a well-known car dealer. They set Sweden in motion as dealers and agents for major car brands, and have around 3,300 employees throughout the Group. Thanks to Oneflow, the HR department has been able to work smarter with their HR agreements, saving 10 hours a week and gaining total control over all their contracts in a GDPR-safe platform.

“Will it reach the right person?”

For Elin Skoglund and Eva Ekström, HR Business Partners at Hedin Bil, a large part of the challenge in their work was being proactive and always looking ahead. And since the company has grown a lot in a short time, it has been challenging to get all the routines and processes in place. Previously, all agreements in the business were signed by hand, which eventually became unsustainable. Misunderstandings were common, the agreements differed from each other and some were written incorrectly. Above all, their workflow did not align with GDPR. The administration of over 3000 employees, all with more than one agreement, was a real time killer.

“Establishing, issuing and managing agreements for the huge number of people who are with us ate up a terribly large part of my time. I lost much of the control over the contract process as soon as I released an agreement by mail or email. Will it reach the right person?”

Oneflow turns uncertainty into peace of mind

In order not to drown in contract management, Hedin Bil was really in need of a simple and flexible system that could automate the process. Oneflow ticked off all items on the checklist:

  • User-friendly
  • Automated contract templates
  • Support for separate workspaces for different users and groups
  • Possibility to set up rules, for example to automatically delete a contract

The duo started using Oneflow immediately. The experience was a breeze. Gradually they expanded their use and today, they use Oneflow for managing employment contracts, attachments, protocols, and every document that requires a signature. 

Eva is pleasantly surprised at how smoothly everything has gone, from implementation to seeing results. Smooth is the perfect word to sum up Hedin Bil’s experience with Oneflow, and that’s not just the case for HR. The payroll office also reap the benefits because they receive a notice every time an employment contract is signed.

“The fact that Oneflow is 100% digital makes it so simple and flexible. If I want to add an extra signatory I can do it with the push of a button. And if I want to change the start date, I fix it and re-sign it. All in one place in my browser.”

Templates inside Oneflow Templates inside Oneflow

Discover how Oneflow can simplify your contract management and make your company more efficient.

Contracts are safe, processes are faster

Oneflow has undoubtedly saved a great deal of time for Elin and Eva in their daily work. Any errors or omissions in the agreements go so much faster to rectify with just a few keystrokes, so they can instead focus on the right things. The duo can also see what stage an agreement is in and be proactive if any party delays signing. 

“From day one, Oneflow has given us peace of mind by providing control and a good overview of our contract process at all times,” said Elin.

“Oneflow has this amazing archive. I can easily search through all of a person’s historical agreements and see who has established them and who has signed them. And the agreements can’t get lost or misplaced. From a GDPR perspective, Oneflow is brilliant because it is a closed system.”

The team estimates that they save at least 10 hours a week with Oneflow, and mentions that internal agreements are often signed and finalized within five minutes! 

So, would they recommend Oneflow to others?

“Yes, no doubt! Oneflow is incredibly appreciated by both managers and employees.”

Elin Skoglund, Hedin bil


Länsförsäkringar Älvsborg



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