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Oneflow’s handwritten signature feature

No, you didn’t misread that! Our handwritten signature feature function is live and ready to use. It means that you can add that handwritten touch to your contracts, all while enjoying the great functionality that Oneflow offers. 

So we’re here to tell you a little more about this fantastic new function. In this article, we’ll take a look at:

  1. Why do we need this feature?
  2. How does it work?
  3. When can you use your handwritten signature?

1. Why do we need this handwritten signature feature?

You’ve been asking, and now we’ve delivered. Not only does this feature allow you to type in a signature in different fonts, it also allows you to draw your handwritten signature on a virtual canvas. And this makes Oneflow more dynamic than ever before. 

Take this as an example. A delivery driver comes to your door with a parcel. You have to sign on a screen to prove it’s been delivered. With Oneflow’s new handwritten signature feature, you can now sign for that parcel using the virtual canvas. 

But it also allows for more options when it comes to signing. So if you’re working with customers in countries that are more reliant on paper, their handwritten signature can help make Oneflow more accessible. 

But don’t worry. Our handy chronological signing order feature remains unchanged by this new feature. 

Read also: What is electronic signature and is it legal?

2. Oneflow handwritten signature feature: How does it work?

You can now leave your handwritten signature in 1 of 2 ways. Let’s have a look at the 2 ways you can do it.

  • Typing – You can type your handwritten signature in the signing field. You can choose from 3 fonts: Modern, Classic and Antique. This means that you can use the font that best suits your wet signature.
  • Drawing – If you want to go for a more authentic feel, then you can do that too. You can use our virtual canvas to draw your handwritten signature. In no time, you’ll have a replica of your wet signature on your contracts. 

It’s important to note here that signatures made using this new feature are just as legally binding as signatures made using any other normal e-sign method. So you can rest assured that your contracts will still be valid. But if you live in a country that uses BankID for some contracts, then you should still use BankID, just to be safe.

handwritten signature feature

3. When can you use your handwritten signature?

This is the best thing about our new feature: you can use it whenever you want to. You can still sign using any of our other methods whenever you want to. But handwritten signatures will be available when you need them.

When everything’s ready to be signed, you’ll be able to see the handwritten signatures in both participants’ previews, as well as in the final version. This includes any PDF versions. You can also use our new feature when requesting signatures. If you’re sending out a contract, then you can send out a signing request using our new feature. 

Basically, you can use it to help your clients feel like rockstars. All whilst getting your contracts signed, sealed and delivered.

Read also: What is digital signatures: A complete guide

create an amazing handwritten signature


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