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The best contract management software for HR

Explore the best contract management software for HR - Oneflow

We speak with our HR and recruiting team a lot. They have lots of experience and input when it comes to using contracts. Which, absolutely checks out right? They are the ones in the trenches hiring people all the time. They’re filling out the details and doing the work to bring new and promising talent into the company. That’s their job, and much to our benefit they are quite well at doing it.

But they run into lots of problems sometimes, and those problems can be solved by having the best contract management software for HR. They face the isse of the contract process taking too long, and then due to that long hiring process, the candidate has moved on. Either to a new company or lost interest in yours due to the fact the process was to slow. That issue disappears when your teams are using the best contract management software for HR. 

Another issue that we hear from HR and recruiters is that the candidate experience is super important in order to recruit successfully. If communication breaks down or the candidate does feel included in the process, then they rate the experience as negative and again, decide against signing with your company. To ensure a great candidate experience for the employees you want to hire, then having the best contract management software fore HR where you can constantly engage and interact with them will be a boon for your business. 

So let’s learn why Oneflow is the best contract management software for HR.

HR contracts can be signed faster 

When you’re hiring with digital contracts from Oneflow, you and your team have the best contract management software for HR at your fingertips. When you’e got the star candidate who you know is going to take your company to the next level, you don’t want to lose them before they even start. In fact, you want to get them signed as fast as possible so they can get up and running at your company in no time. 

As we normally hear from our HR and recruitment team, as well as our costumers who use Oneflow for HR, they love using pre-made templates that are specific to hiring their new employees. Here’s how:

When inside of Oneflow, create a new document, but rather than starting a new contract from scratch, you can choose a template that’s specific to this use. Since we’re going to send out an employment contract, it checks out to have a hiring contract template at the ready

As you can see in the screenshot below, you can pick a pre-made template with a simple click.

Best contract management software for HR

Then all of the information and clauses that you filled out in the template beforehand, pull forward.  It even integrates with your ATS, so you can pull forward the candidate information from there rather than having to manually fill it in. Talk about a time saver when it comes to hiring. 

Using premade templates to speed up the hiring process is a feature to be appreciated. Especially if you’re a large company or one that is one a hiring spree. Having premade employment contract templates at the ready will speed up your hiring process and allow your recruiters and HR team members to hire more quickly and efficiently.

It take all of a few minutes for your candidates to have a full legally enforceable contract in their email inbox, from first click to last click. 

It speeds up the hiring process by leaps and bounds and gets the contract to your star candidate much much faster, and by def facto inside your company quicker. The contract templates inside of Oneflow are signs that it’s the best contract management software for HR.

Read also: What are the benefits of using contract management software?

A better candidate experience with Oneflow

When hiring with Oneflow and as it’s one of the best contract management software for HR options out there, it allows you to create a better candidate experience. It’s super important to make a good impression on the talent you want to bring into your company. That’s how you end up brining better and better people in, is by ensuring that those who are recruited enjoy the experience and are happy about it. 

To give your candidates a better experience during the hiring process, that means ensuring you’re in contact with them and don’t lose them during the process. A good candidate experience means that they feel included and involved. Then, when they eventually join your company, they feel like they influenced the eventual outcome. 

A way that you can stay in contact with your candidates with Oneflow and ensure they feel included during the hiring process is letting them fill out certain pieces of information inside the oneflow contract. It could be something like the start date, the salary amount, their own demographic information etc. And they can leave comments on particular items in the contract that they want more clarification on as well. This gives them agency during the hiring process.

How can they do this inside of Oneflow?

When sending the contract, or in thet template settings, you can open certain fields to your counterparty. Otherwise, they have the ability to comment on anything inside of the contract, and you and your hiring team will see everything that they say. Then you have the ability to reply and address all of their comments and concerns directly inside the contract. 

By creating this rapport with your candidate and hopefully, a new hire, you’re off to a great start with their professional relationship with your company. It gives them confidence that you are invested in them as a professional because you’ve addressed their concerns, questions and managed to come to an agreement that made everyone happy.

Read also: How to find free templates to use for your business?

The best contract management software for HR is Oneflow

Everyone talks about customer experience but what about candidate experience? Your future employees should have as good of a time as your customers after all. To give a great candidate experience, it might require having the best contract management software for HR. That’s what Oneflow and digital contracts can provide for you, your company and your future employees. 

It’s important to set up your employees for success from the get go. Then they can truly get up and running in no time, and provide value to your company. A surefire way to do that is to use Oneflow’s digital contracts for HR. You can get started with Oneflow for free here.

Explore contract magic!


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