Dynamic contracts
HTML based contracts that guests can fill out, and that you can edit even after sending
Contracts shouldn’t be static, and time consuming.
When sending contracts as PDF, you’re stuck with having to change and re-upload a contract any time a change has to be made. But with dynamic HTML contracts, you can edit in real time, and the counterparty will always see the most up to date version.
Let colleagues and counterparties interact with your contract by filling out form fields.
Real time changes
Change the contract even after it’s been sent, and your counterparty will only see the most updated version.
Videos & product tables
Bring your contract to life with welcome or in contract videos, and product tables that counterparties can adjust themselves.
Show or hide sections
Build logic into your contract to show or hide content for a customer at the click of a button.
Suggestions and comments
Highlight text and leave comments or suggestions that can be applied or rejected.